
Our PPA Evaluation Tool: Meet IRIS

What is IRIS?

Independent Renewables Information Service, IRIS for short, is our new online tool designed to support you in finding a market-based value of renewable energy projects all around Europe from now until the year 2050. For example, IRIS allows you to analyze:

  • Capture rates & prices: Compare the value of technology-specific generation profiles to traded baseload prices
  • PPAs: Get reliable estimates for the market value of Power Purchase Agreements
  • Balancing energy costs: Estimate the costs for balancing energy for different technologies



Take the chance and let one of our experts explain the features of IRIS in more detail and answer your still open questions during a free online meeting.

Expertise and markets

Energy is our passion and we are renowned experts for energy markets and energy supply contracts. Whilst our main focus is on wholesale trading of electricity, natural gas and CO2-certificates, we also monitor the markets for coal and crude oil in order to assess their impact on other markets. Regionally, our core area is Central and Eastern Europe, yet we also manage portfolios in almost all European countries and the United States. Above all, international customers appreciate our transnational competence regarding various framework conditions.

Market commentary February 2025

Given the political framework conditions of the energy industry, it is certainly imprecise to determine a price scenario. However, as the volatility of traded energy contracts is very high and at the same time signif-icant investments are linked to the price expectations of power, gas and CO2 prices, it is important to have a summary of opinions. Where is the global trend in power prices heading?

We are Inercomp

What we do

We support companies that deal with energy markets and complex energy supply contracts. These are primarily energy-intensive industrial companies or operators of eco-friendly power stations. In addition to this, smaller energy consumers, power producers and energy suppliers also rely on our expertise.

Who we are

Each one of our approximately 30 team members has expert knowledge in specific areas of the energy industry. Together we form a team that covers the entire spectrum of the energy industry. We are especially united by our shared values of independence, sustainability and transparency.

Unit converter

The conversion of energy units and energy prices between different systems can sometimes be rather complicated. Our calculator will help you.


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